I have a lots of things that bugging my mind and my feelings.. it makes me feel horrible, sad and gloomy.
It’s all about my kids; my dogs.. Buby the 1 y/o labs, Deco the 3 months y/o mini pug and Pikko the 3 y/o jack dog.
It all begun with Deco.. a couple of weeks ago my brother tell me that Deco is sick; he has a diarrhea, he doesn’t want to eat and he has a flu.
After 2 weeks from that Deco starts to have seizures.
Then my brother takes him to a vet; and he was diagnosed to have a canine distemper. Since that day until today, Deco is at the hospital under treatment on distemper.
I can’t stand to see Deco’s conditions. He looked so ill, with no energy left, he doesn’t stop seizure, the eyes are red and watering.. oh my God, it torn me apart.
After that I start to find out about this disease on the internet, then I find out that this disease is contagious through air to another dogs. Besides air it; the virus also spread through their body discharges like tears, poops, pees, saliva, etc.
When I discover that, I was too late.. my other two dogs has already having the symptoms – seizures, loosing appetite, and powerless..
Now I’m so confused, I want to take them to the hospital, but I cannot stay around them too close, because I am pregnant.. I’m afraid it’ll harm my baby.
But in the other hand.. I wanted to hug the three of the,, to give them strength..
Now my brother is taking Bubby & pikko to the hospital..
The worst condition is Deco, he has 15% life chance. Pikko is on terminal stadium. And Bubby is the less worst – he still can fight the disease- because of the vaccine that he had when he’s a young pup.
God please give them strength to fight the disease. I want to see them cured, so I can play again with all the three of them..