You are now 26 weeks pregnant (or in your 27th week if that's how you prefer to count it).
How your baby's growing Your baby may measure about 36cm/15in long with feet extended. If you could see your baby now, you might be able to get a glimpse of his baby blue (or brown, green, hazel) eyes, which are now beginning to open. He will respond to sound more consistently toward the end of the seventh month, when the nerve pathways to the ears are complete.
How your life's changing
You're nearing the home stretch - the third trimester.
Before you know it, you'll be cradling your baby in your arms. Around this time, you may see a slight increase in your blood pressure, which is normal. But if your weight suddenly shoots up, or your vision blurs, and your hands and feet swell dramatically, you may have pre-eclampsia. Call your doctor or midwife immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. Check out the other symptoms you should never ignore. If you have a swab to check for a vaginal infection during pregnancy such as thrush, the results may come back positive for group B streptococcus, too. This is a common infection which lots of women have without knowing about it and without it causing any harm, but it can be dangerous for newborns - find out why. Has your partner sorted his paternity leave? Parental leave regulations mean he's entitled to 13 weeks leave until your child is five years old but he may have to give 21 days' notice. Ask what arrangements the company has in place. Parental leave is unpaid but individual firms may be more generous.
Pregnancy tip: enjoy a scented soak
"To help yourself relax, immerse your feet in a basin filled with warm water. Add a few drops of scented oil and enjoy." - Anonymous Let us know your pregnancy tips! Share your tips.
Community Baby equipment is big business and there is a lot of choice out there - but do you really need everything or will some things get used once if at all? Get tips from experienced mums in our community.
Things to consider Now's a good time to begin your childcare search in earnest. If you're making a birth plan, keep it flexible. You'll want to talk to your partner but consult your midwife and antenatal class leader too, to find out their views. Vegetarians read on - follow our tips for getting all those essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
Episiotomy is no longer a routine procedure during delivery, but it is still used when needed – find out more. Expecting twins or more? You may still be able to have a vaginal delivery - many women do - but be prepared for the potential complications of multiple pregnancy.