it's been a few days since my last post.
well i'm kinda busy with some stuff at work :')
but this time i wanted to write something, well actually i wanted to write about things because i tend to forget something in a short period of time hehehee..
this time i want to write about the title of my post.
i mention 4w 1d, what is that suppose to mean? wondering huh? hahaa..
4 w 1d stands for 4 weeks and 1 day.
last Friday, August 29th 2008, i woke up in the morning.
my husband is already gone to Jogjakarta for business trip.
i feel very sick. then while reading newspaper i remember that this is aug 29th, why haven't i got my period? it's almost eleven days past from my period schedule (my schedule is at aug 18th).
the i went upstairs, take the pregnancy test pack in the closet.
and then i do the test, while waiting the result, i take a bath.
after i finish my bath, surprisingly, i found the result that tells me that i'm pregnant.
then, as i went to the office, i drop by to Brawijaya mother & children hospital near my office to check is it true that i'm pregnant or not.
i made an appointment with an obsgyn doctor - Sr. Uf Bagazi.
i ask my girlfriend - Maureen to accompany me there, after waited for an hour 0 because the doctor has a rus meeting - then i come inside the examination room.
then doctor Uf ask me a few questions, and then he do the vaginal usg.
and the result are: i am pregnant, 4 weeks and 1 day old.
waaaaaaa.. speechless..
help me God to take care of my future baby.
i am speechless :')